This site has oodles of information about boating and the San Juans, it helps to use the search box BELOW to find what interests you.
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Aug 10, 2023

Fifteen Best, Must See Destinations and Hikes Not to Miss When Cruising or Visiting the San Juan Islands

Friday Harbor - Turtleback Mountain - Jones Island - Roche Harbor - Youngs Hill - Turn Point Lighthouse - China Caves - Matia Island Rain Forest Trail - Patos Island Lighthouse Tour - Inati Bay & Lummi Island Campground - Vendovi Island Preserve - Eagle Bluff On Cypress - Fort Whitman On Goat Island - Rosario Beach & The Maiden of Deception Pass - Victoria & Butchart Gardens

These are special places to go and great things to do that our years of cruising have rewarded us with. Some of the very best places are walks or hikes that are off the beaten path and seldom visited. I have listed them in somewhat of a great circle to help you stay oriented, but you will not be able to visit all of them in one day. I suggest that you mark them on a paper map or chart for later reference.
Check out these places too.  Not really must see places but still wonderful exploring and gunkholing places.  little coves and back doors

click here for the list

Jul 26, 2023

Anchoring Woes and Paying it Forward

 My regular anchoring hole at Fisherman Bay is off to the side at the second turn of the entrance channel. I like to anchor there because it is a short dinghy run out to the public beach access for Lopez Village and is in a semi-wind shadow due to the small bluff on shore.      

    I am truly embarrassed to tell my part in this mini-story because I know better and still did everything wrong.

 We arrived late in the afternoon after exploring Watmough Bay and the southern tip of Lopez.

 It was close to low tide and the depth sounder where I lowered the anchor was reading eight feet. I let out all my chain rode (30') and cleated off in the first foot or two of nylon. Then I momentarily slipped Kraken into reverse for a few seconds until she began to pull some. The bow swung around and I am sure the anchor set because we came to an abrupt stop. We settled in, cooked stir-fry for dinner and watched movies. 

     During the night the tide came in and was back out in the morning. We took the dinghy to the village. It was a minus tide and we had a terrible time pulling/dragging

 the Livingston up over all the newly exposed slippery seaweed but we got it all the way to the driftwood and tied her to a big rock. We had a late lunch and stayed in Lopez village longer than planned. When we arrived back at the dinghy, water was lapping at the driftwood and she was half floating but still tied to the rock. 

     There was no struggle this time we simply shoved off and headed for Kraken except Kraken was not where I left her. Before panic could set in I spotted her several hundred feet further into Fisherman Bay,

 neatly tied to an old wood float. As we dinghied the last few feet I connected all the dots and realized how lucky I was. I had printed the week's tide tables, but never looked at them. If I had I would have known there were king tides and minus tides all that week. I would have known there was nearly a fourteen-foot tide range that day. kraken had simply floated her anchor and away she went. 
     After getting everything shipshape, I cast off from our new temporary home and motored over to a lady on a nearby anchored boat and asked if she had caught Kraken. She said yes she had. I thanked her profusely and as I did I thought to myself,  was I just dumb and lucky, or was I  spending credits I had paid forward.

Click below to see a satellite view of Fisherman Bay Spit Preserve

Jul 14, 2023

San Juans Itinerary for a Nine Day Trip

Suggested Itineraries for a first time boat trip to the

 San Juan Islands

(Updated (2014) alternate itinerary with Echo Bay and Sucia Island as 1st stop)

click here  Sucia Trip Intinerary

(For a  shorter itinerary on your first cruise and with different island stopovers (click here) 

      This article is designed to get you going on that first boating sailing trip to the San Juan Islands in Washington State.

Below is a snapshot map of your dreamed-about vacation land (or water) 

map of San Juan Island area

The map above identifies many  (not all) common names and places

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with some locations you may have read about.

You may want to follow this link and take a quick look at the detailed marine parks list and then come back to the suggested itinerary below,

click here to read the rest of this post

Jul 13, 2023

Planning your San Juan Island's cruise is as easy as two things.

Many moons and several magnificent sunsets had passed when I finally embarked on the grand adventure of planning a summer trip to the enchanting San Juan Islands. 

However, fate had a different plan in store for me. Due to circumstances, we found ourselves without a vessel. 

We were at Yellowstone National Park, gazing at the late spring snows. Time was slipping away, and our planned departure date to the San Juan’s was fast approaching, yet we were still boatless. A thousand miles away from home in a campground full of bears, I resorted to browsing Craigslist on my laptop while clutching my cell phone in hand. It was then that I stumbled upon a boat for sale posting that caught my attention.
To my surprise, the boat in question was of the type I had previously owned. The price was right, and a surge of confidence swept over me. I made a daring decision to promise to buy it sight unseen upon our return in two weeks. However, there was a hitch. The seller had just embarked on their own vacation and would not be back for another three weeks. Oh, dear! That meant they would only be back a week before our planned departure for the San Juans. Time seemed to be playing a cruel game with our hopes.
Fast forward three weeks later, and I found myself standing at the seller's doorstep, armed with cash and eager to drive away with our trusted vessel for the San Juan Islands. Back at home with our new boat and trailer, time was short, and I could only manage a few essential tasks. 

I diligently checked and greased the bearings, stepped and un-stepped the mast, and on the eve of our departure, I hurriedly took her for a test run in the river to gauge the motor's performance.

 As fate would have it, the 7.5 Honda motor ran smoothly for ten minutes before suddenly quitting. I drifted back towards the ramp in semi-darkness. Moments before hauling her out, I tried the motor once more, and lo and behold, it roared back to life. Quite perplexing, indeed.
Undeterred by this glitch, we embarked on our journey to Anacortes the following day. Upon launching at Twin Bridges on the Swinomish Channel, the motor graced us with its smooth-running presence just long enough to steer us away from the dock and set a course for Padilla Bay before surrendering once more.

 Still undeterred, we continued our voyage under sail, finally anchoring at Pelican Beach on Cypress Island. 

There, we reveled in the joys of a magnificent beach fire before retiring for the night. Throughout the evening, my mind couldn't help but wonder if the motor would start the next morning and if the capricious currents and winds would carry us to our next destination at Matia or Sucia.
But enough of my ramblings. We spent a glorious week in the San Juan Islands, and to our relief, the motor never faltered again. It proved to be a reliable workhorse that faithfully served us on several more boating expeditions in the years to come. The initial mystery of its temporary failure remained unresolved. As soon as we returned home, with plenty of summer still ahead, I wasted no time in placing a Craigslist ad to sell the boat. I recouped my entire investment, and as a bonus, I held onto the now trusty Honda outboard for many years afterward.

Reflecting upon this adventure, it became evident to me that setting a firm departure date was the catalyst that made the trip possible. 

Of course, we took a gamble with an unknown boat, motor, and rigging. However, I had the foresight to equip ourselves with basic essential gear: PFD’s, a bucket, a portable GPS, a handheld radio, a cell phone, and a paper chart. I had done my homework and discovered that the boat ramp offered long-term parking for a modest fee of $8 per day. With all the pieces falling into place, we made our dream of a San Juan vacation cruise a reality.

So, my advice to all you dreamers longing for a San Juan vacation cruise is simple yet crucial: 

#1 Mark your calendar this instant with your departure date. #2 Purchase a San Juan paper chart or just a map and proudly display it on a wall where you will see it every day. Trust me, with these two actions as your guiding stars, everything else will naturally fall into place. You'll see your dream materialize before your eyes.

Easy Itinerary for a spur of the moment cruise 

Fast track to the San Juans

Friday Harbor Marina
Friday Harbor Marina

Click below for a satellite view of Friday Harbor

Jun 15, 2023

What is the Best Dinghy for Cruisers in the San Juan Islands? The Dinghy Dilemma!

       We all know asking "What's the best dinghy" is a loaded question;

 boaters can be passionate when it comes to  equipment choices.  Based on my own frugal, sailing/boating should be affordable philosophy "The best dinghy is the one you already own."  Whoa now, lets start listing exceptions.  I don't mean too small, too big, leaky, unsafe, etc. etc.   I mean a basic dinghy, that only has to float you and your stuff to shore.

    In keeping with this blogs purpose to help first timers get to the San Juans, lets talk reality.

     Here are ten or more irrefutable truths about dinghies.

  • You must have a dinghy to go ashore at most parks because you can't count on there being room at the dock. Many docks have room for only four boats. Many parks have no dock.
  • You don't need a dinghy if you only go to resorts and marinas.
  • You will probably tow your dinghy everywhere you go.
  • You may not use it at all (it at makes you wish you left it home).
  • If you need it you will be thankful you brought it with you.
  • There is no place you will go that you can't drag your dinghy along.
  • Dinghies may be major status symbols among some groups.
  • Towing a dinghy slows you down and uses fuel
  • You may run over your tow line and foul your prop or rudder (use a floating tow line).
  • Certain people have a hard time climbing into or out of a dinghy alongside their boat.
  • Children need a dinghy.
     Okay, that list is far from complete but it highlights some points. Yes, you need a dinghy, even if you can beach your boat, there are simply too many limitations and problems with beaching your water-borne camper.  Let's say for example you rush to shore to use the bathroom at one of the great State Parks.  In the ten minutes you're ashore, a falling tide could leave you high and dry.  With a dinghy, you simply pick it up and carry it back to the water. You need a two or three-person dinghy, a one-person craft can't ferry others to shore. When using dinghies, a multi-hull catamaran style such as a Livingston is very stable, rows well, beaches easily, and can carry big cargoes, however, when towed they track to one side, hunt back and forth, forcing you to keep them on a very short leash. A conventional V hull dinghy is tipsy crawling over the bow on the beach, carries less cargo, but rows very nice and will tow directly behind you on a long or short leash.  Inflatables can carry enormous loads, some (not all) row poorly, and some create so much drag they are impossible to tow. Just about all dinghies can be outfitted with an outboard motor, but you really don't need one for simple cruising in the San Juan Islands unless you plan on doing miles of shoreline exploring.

        In the summer season, you probably won't see any big dinghy capsizing waves, but storms and adverse winds can churn up anywhere anytime.

My dinghy floats when swamped, but not with the outboard, with the outboard bolted to the transom it's straight to the bottom or at least as far down as my tow line is long. Inflatables may be swamped without damage or sinking, which is something to think about if your main boat is not up to the challenge, and could itself be sunk somehow.
Livingston Dinghy, one of five best shore boats
Our Livingston dinghy is nine feet long and a tad bit overloaded
Two man inflatable kayak for cheap shore boat in the San Juan Islands
This inflatable was $69 and holds two people
This inflatable stows on deck, or deflated stows below and carries three people. 
      How about two dinghies?

If you have children that take off with the dinghy, they are effectively leaving you stranded on the boat or ashore. 

 Well, that's not going to happen you may say.  I say, "What if they get hurt ashore and call you on the phone or radio for help? What do you do? What if they take off in the dinghy and it gets dark, what do you do? (swim)"
Several years past I sent my bored and restless son (in the dinghy) to shore at dusk, telling him to invite himself to one of the many campfires we could see from the boat.  He met some other boaters with kids and before you know it it was after 10:00 pm and very dark.  His mother and I started to wonder what to do as we were stranded and had no way to communicate with him. After a few minutes, I took a strong flashlight and blinked it into the darkness in the direction we thought he was last seen.  A short while later he appeared at our transom asking if we wanted him or something.  This little non-event made me realize how handy a second dinghy would be, so we bought an inflatable kayak to stow below, just in case.

10/13/13 update worth noting
I'm selling the new sailing dinghy


 update on converting the 9'  Livingston dinghy to sailing

 >> go to the do-it-yourself page and scroll way way way down to see the finished conversion << The dinghy conversion section is before the Bimini top on the cheap instructions and after the Boat acronyms if that helps you find it.
Livingston dinghy sailing conversion


another dinghy update. Last winter I plunked down about a grand in boat bucks and bought a new inflatable. 

My criteria were as follows.

 First, it must be light enough for me to muscle it around onto and off of the cabin roof by myself. It must have two seats. I must be able to inflate and deflate it on the boat. I bought a 9.5-foot boat with aluminum seats, a plywood transom, and a high-pressure inflatable floor.  Without seats, oars, or pumps, the rolled-up package is about 4 feet long, 1.5 feet in diameter, and weighs in at 73 pounds.

Standing on the cabin roof, I was able to fully inflate the new boat and slide it into the water.  Dragging it back up was much more work, even with the two of us.  Then we drove around for three days with the inflated boat on the roof. All in all I like the new boat and am happy with my choice.

Testing complete, we deflated our new dinghy, rolled it up, and headed for the San Juans.

  At the last minute before heading up the freeway, I put the Livingston back on its swim step snap davits.  I know my plan was to replace the Livingston with something more seaworthy but I decided to bring the new and the old anyway.

In the San Juans, we never inflated the new dinghy and used the Livingston as usual.  Now the new inflatable is sitting collecting dust in my boat shed. I used it once for one hour. I still have high hopes to somehow justify my purchase. I hope mice and squirrels don't chew on it in the meantime.

Click below to see a satellite view of  James Island

Jun 1, 2023

How to Plan an Unforgettable San Juan Islands Vacation Cruise

Embarking on any adventure begins with making a firm decision to go and setting the date. Follow these easy steps for the boat trip of a lifetime.

Anacortes Washington Park launch ramp
Washington Park ramp

1.   Setting the Perfect Date

       Choosing the right time for your trip requires careful consideration. We have traveled throughout the San Juans from early spring to late fall, and each month offers a unique experience. July and August offer the best weather and blooming flowers but also attract the most visitors. May and June may bring cooler and wetter days, but they also offer excellent sailing winds and the chance to see newborn fawns. September and October may bring foggy days, especially near Deception Pass and the Strait of Juan De Fuca, but you might be rewarded with fewer crowds and wonderful weather. Keep in mind that early spring and late fall may find some businesses and parks closed or partially operational. It's essential to make inquiries to ensure it doesn't affect your plans.

2.     Where to Start: 

      The answer to this question varies for each boater, but there are a few common options. If you're coming by boat from Seattle or the Puget Sound area, you'll need to go around Whidbey Island through either Admiralty Inlet and Port Townsend or Deception Pass. Many skippers prefer Deception Pass due to calmer waters and no commercial shipping. The Deception Pass route also allows for a visit to Cornet Bay or a detour through Swinomish Channel to explore La Conner and Anacortes. Although Port Townsend is an option. Personally, I recommend choosing La Conner or Cornet Bay.

3.      Trailering Boat Arrival Options: 

       Most boaters arrive with their boats on trailers. To find suitable ramps for launching, you can refer to this comprehensive list: ( However, only three ramps are typically preferred: Squalicum Harbor in Bellingham, Cornet Bay at Deception Pass Park, and Washington Park in Anacortes. Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes offers a travel lift hoist but no ramp. Washington Park is the closest to the San Juans and allows for a quick start, but parking may be limited during peak times. Parking at Cornet Bay and Squalicum Harbor is always readily available. We have utilized all three ramps multiple times, and our choice depends on our destination and who accompanies us. Sometimes, dropping off children at Washington Park is convenient if they need to return home early. Personally, I enjoy the Deception Pass area, so if our agenda is clear, Cornet Bay is our preferred choice. Note: I do not recommend taking a ferry to the islands with plans to launch at any of the county ramps. The ramps are inferior, and most don't allow overnight parking. An exception may be small skiffs or kayakers.

4.      Rest After Travel: 

        If you've traveled a long distance and then rigged and splashed the boat, chances are you are exhausted, and it is getting late. It's advisable to spend the first night at a nearby dock or location. Both Cornet Bay and Squalicum Harbor offer transient docks next to the launch ramps. Note that Washington Park only offers a launch dock and is not suitable for overnight stays. Anchoring out front in exposed Guemes Channel, while very doable, will not be much fun due to the many wakes. Nearby welcoming places like James's Island, Cypress Head, or Saddlebag Island, located about four miles away, offer great options depending on your route. Keep in mind that anchoring requires a dinghy to reach the shore. Alternatively, last summer, we tried inflatable paddleboards instead of a dinghy, 
but their usefulness as a full-time dinghy substitute is still uncertain.

5.      Planning Your Itinerary:

      Your itinerary doesn't have to be rigid, with specific stops for each minute or day. It's more enjoyable to have a rough idea and a list of preferred stops. For example, you might want to have a late lunch and buy ice and groceries at Friday Harbor, but you can do the same at Lopez Village, Roche Harbor, or Eastsound. Consider visiting stores when your ice melts on day two or three and take the opportunity to enjoy a hot shower. Most villages and marinas offer groceries, fuel, and shower facilities. Don't worry about being turned away as ample anchorage is available throughout the islands. Consider saving fuel and time by following a great circle route and avoiding backtracking. Visit the outer points early while you still have ice and snacks, and then recharge in the villages. Allowing seven days for your trip is ideal, as anything less might feel rushed, while more time will be well spent.

6.      Additional Excursions: 

       Don't miss out on Butchart Gardens and Victoria; both can be day-only or overnight additions to your 
San Juan Islands trip. While reservations aren't necessary, make sure to carry your passports 
for re-entry into the US.

7.      Easy Five Island - Ten Stopover Itinerary:

Day 1: Launch at Cornet Bay in Deception Pass Park, spend the night at the transient dock.

Day 2: Run to Jones Island, spend the night at anchor or dock.

Day 3: Run to English Camp, hike up Young Hill, have lunch at Roche Harbor, and return to Jones.

Day 4: Run to Friday Harbor, have lunch and showers, buy groceries, and return to Jones.

Day 5: Run to Stuart, hike to the lighthouse, and dock or anchor for the night.

Day 6: Run to Sucia, anchor or dock for the night in Fossil Bay, and hike to China Caves and Ewing Cove.

Day 7: Swing by Pelican Beach On Cypress and/or Saddlebag Island for a short hike, run through Swinomish Channel, have lunch at La Conner, and arrive in time for a beautiful Sunset back at Deception Pass, spend the last night at the Cornet Bay dock.

By following these guidelines, you'll be well-prepared to embark on an unforgettable boat trip through the stunning San Juan Islands. Enjoy the breathtaking beauty and create lasting memories. Most of all, you will have fun.

If you really want to take advantage of tides and currents, consider this guide

Apr 24, 2023

I signed up with ChatGPT

Not sure, but I think this is not artificial intelligence.

I still have high hopes and expectations.

At first, I thought, oh-boy, ChatGPT can write articles about the San Juan’s for me so I jumped in without any idea what to do or how to do it.

I randomly chose James Island for my experiment and entered into the chat box, “create essay about James Island State Park, WA”

I have pasted below the exact response created. Please take note, there are a bunch of errors and inaccurate reporting’s. Those of us familiar with James will spot the egregious miss-information right away. At the end of the essay, I noted some mistakes.

My Instructions for ChatGPT: “create essay about James Island State Park, WA”


James Island State Park is a breathtaking destination located in the state of Washington. The park, which spans 554 acres, is situated on the Strait of Juan de Fuca, offering visitors stunning views of the Olympic Mountains and the surrounding islands. In this essay, we will explore the history, features, and attractions of James Island State Park.

The History of James Island State Park

James Island State Park has a rich history that dates back to the early 1900s. The island was initially used as a quarantine station for people with communicable diseases, such as smallpox and tuberculosis. In 1918, the United States Public Health Service took control of the island and built a hospital to treat patients with these diseases.

The island's ownership changed hands several times over the years, with the state of Washington acquiring it in 1978. The state then designated it as a state park in 1993, opening it up to the public.

Features of James Island State Park

James Island State Park is a unique destination that offers visitors a wide range of features and amenities. The park is home to a vast network of trails that wind through old-growth forests, meadows, and along the shoreline. Visitors can explore the park's natural beauty by hiking, biking, or horseback riding.

The park's shoreline is also a popular attraction, with a long sandy beach perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and beachcombing. Visitors can also enjoy boating and fishing in the surrounding waters, which are abundant with marine life.

The park has several picnic areas, complete with picnic tables and barbeque pits, making it a great spot for a family outing or a gathering with friends. The park also has a playground and a basketball court, providing visitors with even more recreational opportunities.

Attractions at James Island State Park

One of the main attractions at James Island State Park is the historic lighthouse, which was built in 1918 to guide ships through the Strait of Juan de Fuca. The lighthouse is not open to the public, but visitors can view it from the shore or from the water.

Another popular attraction at the park is the James Island Marine State Park Campground. The campground has 12 campsites, all of which are located on the water's edge, offering stunning views of the surrounding islands and mountains. The campsites are equipped with picnic tables, fire pits, and vault toilets, providing visitors with a comfortable camping experience.


In conclusion, James Island State Park is a beautiful destination that offers visitors a wide range of features and attractions. From its historic lighthouse to its sandy beaches, the park has something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a relaxing day on the beach or an adventurous hike through the forest, James Island State Park is sure to provide you with an unforgettable experience.

Okay, where do I start? After quickly reading the disappointing results I re-did (re-submitted) my instructions with no changes and got a different but also error prone yet nicely written essay that challenged my recent memory of James Island.

I’ll list some mistakes.

1. No lighthouse, nada, none, major goof

2. Water’s edge campsites ??? maybe water view is a better choice.

3. Breathtaking stunning views of Olympic Mountains, not sure but doubtful there is any view . I'll take a look next time I'm there.

4. Situated on Strait of Juan de Fuca, no, Rosario Strait.

5. Hospital for quarantine, this was way before I was born but where is the old foundation or pilings.

6. Vast trail network, no, there are some trails but vast is a huge stretch.

7. Biking is not going to happen, neither is horseback riding.

8. Playground and basketball court, again, no such thing on James.

Okay, that’s enough. When I re-submitted, I got some more goofy information. But, after much more submission tweaking and some obvious subtractions, I got a reasonable essay or article suitable for reading.

I did similar test submissions for other favorite San Juan locations and got pretty much the same poor results. Since ChatGPT searches the internet for its information, I must assume that this bad error prone text is out there potentially misleading all of us. The scary part is that the ChatGPT writing is actually good, making the misinformation very believable.

I am sure I will rewrite this short-sighted impulse driven post, but I think for the time being we should be careful what we believe lest we go looking for a lighthouse that is not there.

Meanwhile you can search James Island in this sites home page search box and get some actual real first hand information you can use right now. Most likely this post will come up first in the results - oops!

Click below for a satellite view of James Island State Park

Apr 1, 2023

The day Kraken nearly sank at the ramp

The Day Kraken Nearly Sank at the Ramp

It was the first boat trip of the year, following an unrelenting and bitterly cold winter. Kraken, our steadfast vessel, had endured the season on her trailer, tethered to shore power with two electric heaters standing guard against the frost. Eager to embark on the long-awaited adventure, I followed my usual launch routine. After backing her down the ramp, launching smoothly, and tying off to the float, I set to work.

Kraken Christmas Snowmen

First, I started the motor. Then, I flipped on all the switches, checked for water exiting the exhaust, and gave the manual bilge pump a couple of precautionary strokes.

 That’s when I noticed something unusual. Eight hearty pulls on the pump produced nearly half a gallon of water per stroke before it finally sucked air. "No big deal," I thought. "It’s probably just rainwater that collected in the bilge over the winter."
Reassured, I tidied the dash, switched on the sounder and radio, and prepared to enjoy the trip ahead. But curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to test the bilge pump one more time. To my horror, another eight to ten strokes brought forth a steady stream of water. My stomach dropped. This wasn’t residual rainwater—we were actively taking on water. Nearly ten gallons had already made its way in. The realization hit me like a cold wave: We’re sinking. Our trip was over before it even began.

I called out to Linda, my ever-steady partner, and told her to hold everything. “We’re taking on water. We need to get Kraken back on the trailer immediately,” 

I said, adrenaline coursing through me. I turned off the motor, grabbed the truck keys, and prepared to haul her out. In the sudden hush, Linda’s voice cut through: 

“I hear water running.”

Her words stopped me in my tracks. She opened the cabinet door beneath the sink, and there it was—water streaming down the inside of the hull. It was three or four feet above the waterline, an odd place for a leak to emerge. Something wasn’t adding up. Leaning closer, Linda pointed to the source: “It’s coming from the water filter.”

Without a moment’s hesitation,

 I flipped off the water pump switch, and just like that, the stream of water ceased. Relief washed over me as swiftly as the panic had set in. The trip wasn’t over after all—though we’d likely pumped all our fresh water overboard in the chaos.

Upon closer inspection, I discovered the culprit: the water filter canister under the sink had splintered at the bottom, likely a casualty of the winter freeze. With the fresh water tank now dry, our onboard supply was gone, but thankfully, we had an extra five-gallon container with us. We made do and carried on with our trip, albeit with a newfound appreciation for preparation.

When we returned home, I replaced the broken filter and vowed to prevent this from happening again. 

That winter, I installed a lightbulb beneath the sink to keep the chill at bay.

I’m not sharing this story to impart any profound message or lesson. It simply makes me chuckle now—how a seemingly routine launch escalated into a nerve-wracking ordeal before turning into a small adventure we’ll never forget. Sometimes, the scariest moments on the water make for the best tales once you’re safely ashore.

Click below to see a satellite view of   Obstruction Pass

Mar 30, 2023

Quick distance chart from where you are to where you want to be in the San Juan Islands

   Every skipper needs to know how far it is from A to B.

      Here's a handy chart with the work already done, the distances are via the shortest route.

                                  First published 7/30/2016   

Chart showing distance in miles between the san Juan's popular stops
Note: The shortest route may not be the fastest or best route when currents and other issues are taken into account!
These numbers are approximate, and were derived by simply clicking "measure route" on a chart. Since making this chart I have come across several u-tube videos with distances that don't agree with  mine. Be sure to not rely on others and do your own calculations. 

When you are rushing from place to place, be very careful around unfamiliar surroundings so that you don't get a surprise.  The best advice is to slow down and keep watch.  Follow this link to learn of some shockers.  > Eight nasty surprises

Feb 25, 2023

Boat Ramps Parks of the San Juan Islands

Map of the San Juan Island Area

With selected Parks, Docks, and Trailer Boat Ramps

Map of the San Juan Islands showing launching ramps, parks and docks

 •  Boat Ramps = Purple    Parks = Red  •  Docks = Green

Most docks (floats) are in parks, resorts, marinas and may be used for overnight camping. Boat launching ramps have long-term parking.  Parks without docks have anchor buoys or areas suitable for anchoring.

The facilities listed, are in my opinion, most useful for cruisers, which means lots of private resorts are not shown because they don't cater to transient boaters.

Click on the picture and then enlarge it to see dot colors better!

Note on trip planning:

I don't recommend taking your boat on a ferry and launching somewhere in the islands.  However if you must, there are county ramps on all four  islands served by the ferries except Shaw.  Many private resorts have ramps but they are inferior at best, nonfunctional at worst. The one exception is Jackson Beach Park  (Port of Friday Harbor) near Friday Harbor on San Juan Island. Jackson has a good double ramp and float and you can park for free up to 72 hours.

The mainland ramps I recommend are Washington Park, Deception Pass Park or Squalicum Harbor (#1 choice most trips is Squalicum Harbor in Bellingham)

Dec 23, 2022

What happens when a big boat drags anchor and slams into you?

     What happens when a big boat drags anchor and slams into you? The quick answer is, "nothing good." This is a short synopsis of what happened to us one 4th of July at Roche Harbor.

Roche Harbor 4th of July boats at dock

     In about thirty minutes the Roche Harbor staff will be lowering the flags and firing the cannon. 

Several times in past years, circumstances or poor planning have caused me to miss the ceremony. The firing of the cannon is what I really want to see. The belching smoke, the jagged dagger of flame, the explosive echo’s ricocheting across Roche Harbor. I anticipate a fantastic kick off for my best fireworks ever. Finally, the stars have aligned for me, and on the fourth of July at that. This is already a great trip. The kids will stay on the boat while Linda and I paddle ashore.  The lowering of the flags and cannon firing will be at sundown.
      I am in the cockpit tending to the dinghy, anxiously waiting to leave. When I look over at the boat anchored near us, I sense that it looks different. It is about thirty-five or forty feet long and easily over fifteen feet tall at the upper bridge.  The wind has been steadily increasing for the past hour and I suspect this apartment size power boat is catching the wind and straining at the anchor lines which would make him appear to move a little closer to us. I ask Linda, “Do you think that boat is getting closer?” As I’m watching, I become sure it is half the distance it was when I first noticed. Now I know for sure, we have a problem, the boat is only ten feet away. There is nothing I can do. The other boats anchor has broken out and it is dragging into us. The last ten feet closes rapidly, and suddenly he is against us. I hold him off long enough to grab a fender and place it between us saving us both from damage. I am yelling and banging on his hull with my fist trying to get their attention, but Linda tells me she saw all of them leave earlier. 

Nov 11, 2022

Eight places in the San Juans where you should watch for shallow water, reefs and rocks


  Someone famous once wrote, "I only worry near shore because that is where the shallow water is."  Okay, I don't remember exactly what I read but you get the idea.

        In the San Juan's we are pretty much always near shore (it's not that big an area) so should we worry all the time?  No! We should pay attention using our heads and our tools.

      All the rocks, reefs and shallows are marked on charts, the especially egregious places have buoys, signs, sticks and posts out in the water.   Of course with storms, high tides, poor maintenance, things go missing, so we are back to paying attention and using the old noggin.

       Once not too long ago we were motoring in flat mirror perfect water at about 7 knots in twenty feet of depth.  Up ahead I saw a disturbance (some itty bitty ripples) I glanced at my chart plotter and saw nothing alarming, nevertheless as we neared the ripples I braked and prepared to go full astern.

         While watching the depth gauge,  suddenly -- there it was -- the depth dropped to six and then four -- and we came to a halt. (no we didn't hit) I stopped, turned and went around the shallow spot.

Worst places in the San Juans for rocks and running aground
on watch

Here is a list of potentially problem spots where you could easily relax your vigilance and get hurt.

read more - click here

Nov 6, 2022

Top Things to do and Places to go in the San Juan Islands

Discover places to go and the best things to do by boat in the San Juan Islands 

The difference between a truly wonderful vacation and a ho-hum boat ride is the memorable experiences and special places visited along the way.  These are some of our favorite haunts and things to do.  Maybe some will become your favorites as well.  

Matia Island one-mile loop trail

  This easy one-mile loop immerses you deeply into the shaded forest the minute you take your first steps. Towering trees, oversized ferns, and thick mosses line the trail.  Our first walk many years ago was so serene and calming that even our young kids were quiet and talked in whispers.  Matia Island pictorial

Pygmy deer on Jones Island  

The northwest is full of wildlife and deer are everywhere, or so it seems sometimes.  However, apparently, the many deer on Jones Island have developed to a much smaller size. Even the older bucks with big racks are only about waist-high.  Many of the deer are tame, and some are downright annoying.  One time a deer met me at the water's edge as I came ashore in the dinghy.   Several times deer have joined us around our campfires looking for handouts and letting the kids rub their heads and pet them.  I remember once a spike kept crowding too close to the fire, he was intent on getting at a bag of corn curls. It is against park rules to feed the animals so I don't know how they learned to expect treats from boaters.  Jones Island deer

Deception Pass State Park

While Deception Pass isn't located within San Juan County, any boating enthusiast would be remiss not to include it in their cruising itinerary. In fact, Cornet Bay, with its well-facilitated ramp, serves as a prime launch point for those embarking on their nautical adventures. But, here's a piece of advice – don't just launch and rush through; take the time to savor the breathtaking scenery.

Consider planning part of your voyage around the four daily occurrences of slack tide. At slack tide, the turbulent waters temporarily calm, providing an excellent opportunity for exploration. A mere quarter-mile beyond the pass, still within the park's boundaries, you'll discover Sharpe Cove. Here, you can moor your vessel at the floating dock, and at the head of the ramp stands the remarkable Maiden of Deception Pass.

Maiden of Deception Pass at Sharpe Cove

This extraordinary statue, carved from a towering cedar tree, stands at an impressive twenty-five feet. It portrays a Samish woman gracefully holding a salmon aloft. The story it tells is one of unwavering sacrifice, representing a Native Indian woman who risked her life to ensure her people would never go hungry. It's a powerful testament to the deep connection between the indigenous people and the land.

Rosario Beach

Just a stone's throw from the Maiden lies Rosario Beach, a renowned tide pool area. It's a place where nature's wonders are on full display, offering an opportunity to observe a rich variety of marine life and coastal ecosystems up close. So, when charting your course through these waters, ensure you dedicate some time to exploring Deception Pass and its fascinating surroundings. The remarkable beauty and cultural significance of the area are sure to leave a lasting impression on any adventurer. Deception Pass

  • Did you notice?

    •  As a writer wannabe, I enjoy playing with words. Lately, I have been kicking around artificial intelligence.  The next passage and the preceding passage were passed through an AI program.  I supplied the basic information, but not the fluffy language, enjoy.

The Swinomish Channel

 A hidden gem for seasoned boaters, provides a picturesque and relaxing alternative to the sometimes turbulent waters of Deception Pass. Many visitors who park long-term at the  Cornet Bay boat ramp in Deception Pass Park, myself included, choose to embark on this delightful detour. When heading out, instead of veering right into the unpredictable waters of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and Rosario Strait, consider retracing your route for a few miles and setting a course through the serene Swinomish Channel. This not only offers a respite from the challenges of the Pass but also shields you from the often encroaching fog in the Straits. As a delightful bonus, you can make a pit stop at the charming town of La Conner. Nestled along the banks of the channel, La Conner welcomes boaters with open arms. The town offers four docks, perfect for short-term or overnight stays. A leisurely stroll along the charming boardwalk presents a plethora of quaint shops, inviting bistros, and even a provision store for all your needs.So, when charting your course, why not opt for the scenic great circle route, meandering through the Swinomish Channel? Along the way, take in the breathtaking scenery, and don't forget to treat yourself to a delectable ice cream cone at La Conner, making your journey all the more memorable.  (AI is not bad, but not my voice)


The San Juan's are full of hikes, walks, and places to explore and I'm not going to list all of them on Sucia, Stuart, Matia, James, Jones ...  But two hikes beckon me back again and again because they reward me, not just exhaust me.  Hiking to the top of *Eagle Bluff on Cypress and the top of  *Youngs Peak, aka Young Hill at English Camp. Both hikes are thigh burners and just plain hard work. Both are short and intense, we pace ourselves, rest, and keep coming back.  The summit views are worth it. Bring cameras and water.  Go to this link and then scroll down to #7 and #9

Sucia and Echo Bay

Use your dinghy, kayak, or paddleboard to explore Echo Bay:  Sounds simple enough and you probably already plan to,  but I suggest you go to Ewing Cove at the far northeast end of Echo Bay. You can sneak in with your big boat but using the dinghy allows you to paddle through some narrow slots and get up close to some cool cliffs and rocks.  You can even go ashore to use the privy, have a campfire, or drop off passengers who want to make the long hike back through the woods to Fossil Bay.  Ewing Cove has two buoys and is at the far north end or point of Echo Bay on Sucia Island.  Watch for rocks, follow your chart, watch the sounder, and go slow.

Sculpture Park at Roche Harbor 

I don't believe the park is part of Roche Harbor but if you go by boat, you need to get a slip at the marina or anchor and go ashore at a dinghy dock.  Once on shore, walk uphill past the pool and cabins, and cross the road, you can't miss it. It's free, donations are welcome.  We enjoy strolling through the fields, meadows and woods. The unique large art pieces are spread out over twenty acres. Some spin and whirl, some are interactive, and some have deer grazing nearby.  There is something for all ages and dogs are welcome too.

Turn Point lighthouse museum hike

  Chances are that you already know about this very popular destination.  Most newcomers will be staying at either Prevost or Reid Harbors and then hike the 2.5 miles  (one way) from the State Park docks.  You can save two miles and an hour by taking the dinghy to the county dock at the far north end of Prevost Harbor.  We usually anchor near the county dock and then leave the dinghy tied to the small float while we walk out to Turn Point.

 Moran Museum 

 You should stop by Rosario Resort in East Sound on Orcas Island.  You may anchor, tie to a buoy, ask for a complimentary slip, or spend the night.  While you are there make your way to the third floor of the mansion-turned-resort office and restaurant.  The top floor museum is dedicated to the early days of Robert Moran and the San Juans.

Friday Harbor music on the promenade

 The short promenade that runs between the marina office and main street is a small city park.  Most summer weekends the stage is filled with musicians entertaining cruisers and locals.  It is lots of fun and free,  Music will drift out on the dock to your boat but not if you are somewhere else.  When planning your travels, plan Saturday at Friday Harbor.  

Your interests will vary from ours, so this list may not be perfect for you. I suggest that you search this website, you may discover the perfect idea.
Turn point lighthouse museum

Turn point museum at the lighthouse

Oct 14, 2022

Leaving for La Conner this morning!

New Bombay motor sailor anchored at Cypress Island in the San Juan Islands
Windrose, aka "Rosey" has made it to the San Juans
In good company anchored at Jones Island

I wrote this post ten years ago.  It is about a tsunami-damaged boat we rescued following the Fukushima Japan earthquake of 2011.  Windrose was pummeled but not quite sunk as her slip was destroyed around her in 

Crescent City, CA.

As I write this post, Rosey's journey back is finally almost complete.  

Today will be another white knuckle trip up the interstate for six hours, and then Monday we will be slinging her into Swinomish Channel.  After a day or so rigging we will be heading to Hood Canal to visit Camp Parsons Boy Scout Camp to pick up our son. Next week we expect to make it to San Juan Island with three bicycles on board so we can do a little bike riding. Right now I am preparing to download some tide forecasts and somehow appease the fog gods to lay off the Strait of Juan De Fuca. I'm still short a trusted GPS, the radar is not tested, and my brand new Humminbird was shipped off for repairs and won't be back in time. So we will be dependent on our eyes, good looks, and the antique spinning sounder that makes a whirring sound. I think we will be just fine, but don't count on us to make any appointments on time, which is what I would say if we were on a modern newer boat with all systems functioning.

Read about Rosey here  > Rosey's first trip after arriving at her new home in the San Juans

Read about Rosey's tsunami nightmare and repair here  >  Bombay Pilothouse Project

Sep 17, 2022

Visit Olga on Orcas Island and ride your bikes up Mt Constitution or Moran Park

Olga offered us an empty dock, 

so we gladly accepted.

 On other visits, we turned away vowing to return when there was room.  The private mooring field is peppered with so many buoys it demands full attention slipping through.

Kraken at Olga dock in the San Juan Islands
Olga public dock has room for about three boats on each side, all buoys are private.

Kraken at Olga dock on Orcas Island
The dinghy's at Olga belong to locals, there is no access to beach except, a nasty slippery, very steep, and thorny trail in brush under ramp.

Olga dock on Orcas Island
The sign says it all

       On shore at the top of the Olga ramp is a flagpole, and a memorial bench. 

There are a couple blocks, if that, of roads to walk, some say private drive, keep out.  There is no bathroom.  The old store across the street was closed up many years ago, and the property is for sale, but the little post office is in business.  Up a moderately steep hill about 1/4-1/3 mile is a restaurant on the main road. Some other boaters made the hike and reported good food.  Other than private homes, most which look like second homes, there is no other business.  That's it for Olga.  I'm glad we finally stopped by Olga, but except for a nice dock to tie up to, and a pleasant little bay to paddle and dinghy sail, what can I say.

       On a much more positive note, I rode my bicycle around a little, and after checking my maps I realized that Olga is the shortest and most convenient starting point for a grueling ride to the top of Mt Constitution.  7 miles versus 7.5 starting at Rosario.  I did not make the ride due to being late in the day, but I plan to come back and give it a try.

         Next time we are in the area and need a place to spend the night, I'm sure we will stop again.
Oh, and we saw a little baby deer on the beach, way to go Olga!

Note: I am reluctant to review or report on businesses that may or may not be around in the future when readers might come across my post, not realizing the information is sadly outdated or just plain incorrect.

That being said, I have heard that a coop has reopened (2023/2024?) the old store/deli at the top of the gangplank in Olga. I have also been told that there is a new restaurant in West Sound, across from the county dock.  

To the best of my knowledge, the San Juans are still subject to tides, currents, puffins and the occasional seal pup and orca in unexpected places.

Click below for a satellite view of Olga