As the primary irritant and contributor to this website, I am drawn back to promoting boating and heading to the San Juans.
How many times have you heard (or said yourself) "I can't because...." -- finish the statement with any handy excuse for not making that long talked about trip. In many cases, the excuses I use are bogus or easily overcome.
For instance:
- I can't because =The no money excuse:
- If you are dead broke, I suggest that you forge ahead and make plans anyway, things have a way of working out.
- Reduce the budget some, try dialing back what you really need to get going to the San Juans.
- New radar - NO, new motor - NO - how about used? New plotter - NO. You may be hopeless if you need all the newest toys to vacation or go on a boat ride.
- I can't because - The no boat excuse:
- Take what you have, or consider renting or buying a used runabout or skiff.
- One time we came across a couple (a well seasoned couple I might add) at Pelican Beach. They arrived in an 8' plywood sailing pram (with oars and no motor) and they had towed another 8' pram with camping gear. They told us they had put in at Anacortes and were spending a week as they had done for many years. I was impressed and somewhat embarrassed for my boat full of goodies, and creature comforts.
Let's expand on the idea of buying a used boat. Once a few years back, I sold our primary boat just a few weeks before a planned trip to the San Juans. Now boat-less, except for my beloved 9' dinghy, I was faced with canceling my family vacation. Instead, I decided to buy an inexpensive boat, and use it once for our San Juan trip and then sell it upon our return. I bought a small well known readily available sailboat and trailer. We boat camped for ten days, and then I sold the temporary boat for 100% what I paid for it.
The overall cost for that trip was just the cost of fuel and provisioning. I know, some people will criticize the wisdom of taking an unknown boat, breakdowns, blah blah blah. Thats OK, I agree what we did is not for everyone, but it worked well for us, and besides, I brought my dinghy and trusted 5hp Honda as back up.
- The no time excuse:
- Baloney - If you really want to go you will make the time, so go mark your calendar right now! (once you set a date and mark it on the calendar, you are as good as at Jones Island already)
- help for procrastinators --- click here for Step by step plan for that San Juan trip
- One last thought; life happens, when everything in life gangs up on you conspiring to stop your boating trip, don't give up. Instead, postpone the boat part and go in your car. Camping or resorting around the San Juans is almost as good as boating around the San Juans. Friday Harbor, here I come.
My new travel guide may be just what you need. That's right, I am shamelessly promoting my 2017 "San Juan Islands Travel Guide" -- It is a Land and Sea Guidebook, so whether you are a boater, biker, or car camper, it has what you want. CLICK HERE or search Amazon Books -
"San Juan Islands Travel Guide"
Thanks - John
Click below for a satellite view of the boat ramp at La Conner