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Dec 17, 2021

Troubling winter time thoughts

       Dinghy's, tenders, shore boats come in a dizzying array of shapes and sizes, and the on going "best dinghy" argument is far from complete in my limited mind.

But right now now I'm wondering if the pointy end of a dinghy is really needed.  I mean the part that is normally above water.

So here's the question, when comparing a 8' pointed dinghy to a 8' blunt nosed dinghy (some call them prams, others punts) do they both have the same load capacity? rowing, sailing ability?  I think if you take a 8' flat nosed dinghy and add back what it would take to make a decent pointed end you would in essence then have a 9.5' (give or take some inches)  pointed dinghy. Am I missing something here?

If I'm correct, it means a flat nosed dinghy of a given length may actually be a bigger boat (other issues and factors being equal) than a pointy dinghy of the same length overall. Right!
I think carried to extremes this line of thinking means a rectangle boat  is bigger, followed by a square boat as being the best shape for big loads. So a barge may be the shape it is for good reason.

So this brings me full circle  back to my earlier thought, is the pointy end of a dinghy really needed, or does it just make it a smaller boat?
Dinghy and Sunset at Matia Island in the San Juans, with Sucia and Echo bay in background
This picture was taken of my son by his sister. Notice the oars reach his head.
Sunset at Rolfe Cove on Matia
I'm am really looking forward to summer.

Oct 5, 2021

Places to go in the San Juan Islands

What is there to do in the San Juan Islands.

  All the places listed are accessible by boat, some by vehicle too.

    Almost every park has easy to lengthy hikes so  follow this link to all the parks  All the parks Below are San Juan area hikes not found in parks.

      Eagle Bluff on Cypress (My all-time favorite - Start at Pelican Beach)

Afterglow Mausoleum at Roche Harbor

Turn Point Lighthouse on Stuart Island

Young Hill at English Camp

China Caves from Fossil Bay

Vendovi Preserve on Vendovi Island

Fort Whitman on Goat Island

Turtleback Mountain, begin at West Sound County dock

Click here for >> Detailed instructions for the hikes

Eagle Bluff on Cypress Island
Eagle Bluff (Cliff) from Rosario Strait

Dining/eats:  I have never reviewed restaurants and won't here.  However a newbie to the San Juans has no idea where to go so here goes some locations.

Blakely's: Just inside Peavine Pass has a small deli bar  (great hard ice cream stop)
Eastsound: It's a one block walk from the dock to downtown with many bistros, and shops.
Rosario: Dock, restaurants
Lopez Village - Fisherman Bay: Restaurant at Islander Resort or click here for Dinghy beach landing at Lopez Village
Friday Harbor: many places are walking distance from complementary tie ups in marina
Deer Harbor: Deli on dock, restaurants on shore
Roche Harbor: several restaurants on shore, complementary dock
West Beach: north shore on Orcas, deli in store on dock Transient tie ups:  

All cities and marinas are well noted on this site but there are lots of docks other than parks that you may visit for short term, try this link, 16 public docks other than parks where you are welcome

Groceries, shopping: 

 The best advice here is to bring what you can before you head out, but the San Juans are not without good grocery stores.  You just need to know where they are.  This comprehensive post has them all >> Where are all the big stores?


 Gas and diesel are readily available.  I would arrive with full tanks but not to worry if you don't.  This link will take you to all of them  >>  fuel docks 

Whale Museum in Friday Harbor is just up a flight of stairs from the marina office

Turn Point Lighthouse museum on Stuart Island

Patos Island Lighthouse Museum on Patos

Moran mansion has a third floor museum at Rosario Resort

English Camp at Garrison Bay on San Juan Island

Sculpture Garden at Roche Harbor

There are Saturday Markets at Lopez Village, Friday Harbor and Eastsound

Campgrounds, parks: 

For all the parks, click right here  >> Parks - Parks - Parks 

Special places we really like: Fifteen lessor known places to go

Click below for a satellite view of West Beach Resort on Orcas Island

Sep 20, 2021

Where are the mainland Boat Ramps for your San Juan Islands Vacation Cruise?

          Taking your boat for a camping vacation cruise isn't expensive or difficult if you know the places to go and what to do.

 If you're going to camp on the boat or on shore, I recommend that you start out in Bellingham or Deception Pass State Park.  But if you need or want a campground with a launch ramp for your home base, you should reserve a site at Washington Park in Anacortes.

Boat ramps with parking:

#1  Squalicum Harbor in Bellingham  -  unlimited free parking, fresh water rinse hoses, guest docks, restaurants, nice showers (you will be glad you began and ended your trip here) 

      • (updated 10/1/21) I just became aware that Squalicum Harbor has changed their free parking to FIVE days maximum. This is bad news for some of us that like to take 7-10 day cruises. I recommend calling them.  Cornet Bay requires payment but at least has longer parking.

#2  Cornet Bay at Deception Pass State Park -  lots of pay to park, guest docks, nice place to hang out before, after and during your vacation. Only minutes from Anacortes.

#3  La Conner (south end of Swinomish Channel) single lane city ramp, float, on street parking, cheap fees, nearby guest docks. Current to deal with.

#4  Washington Park in Anacortes  -  limited pay parking, double ramps with float but open to swell and waves from Geumes Channel,  no guest docks,  very nice on site campground, easy bike ride or hike to ferry.

#5  Twin Bridges (north end Swinomish Channel) County ramp, limited pay parking, small float that's dry at low tide, security risk area  NOTE: It's just a little further to La Conner and well worth it!

#6  Oak Harbor  -  free ramp, $2/day parking, guest docks nearby, full marina services nearby, long walk to town!  long ways to San Juans for slow boats.

#7  Cap Sante in Anacortes should not be listed because they have a sling, not a ramp, Cap Sante would be a second choice if you want to sling your boat in. Guest docks and big RV or trailer pay parking lot. (you can spend a lot of bucks here)

Note: Taking your boat and trailer by ferry to the islands is probably a bad idea because ramps and parking are inferior or not available.  However, launching a skiff you can muscle around off the beach at a county park with no float is very doable.

San JUan Islands map showing boat ramps at Cornet Bay, Squalicum Harbor, Twin Bridges, Oak Harbor, Washington Park, La Conner,

Click on picture to make it bigger!
For first timers, see articles titled  "San Juan Islands for First Timers"
Click below

Click below for a satellite view of Squalicum Harbor

Jul 3, 2021

They say Canada visits are open after July 21st 2021

      I just read a website that says we can go back and forth after July 21st.  This is undoubtedly subject to change with current conditions and remember what the US says and Canada says may differ so check with both sides before you cross over.

     Interestingly,  the last time I had a passport problem (expired) and could not find the answer online.  I simply called the office in Friday Harbor and talked directly with an agent. He gave me the straight and current poop in a simple phone call.  It made me realize how much I had gotten away from talking to people who actually run the show.  Now if I can get certain people to quit texting for hours on end when picking up the phone is more expedient anyway.

San Juan Islands visiting Victoria, Butchart Gardens

Apr 23, 2021

Summer Cruising Plans - Do it now! - Ten resorts and phone numbers where you can reserve a slip

 Sometimes it is really nice to have a slip reserved just for you.

      After spending a few nights on the hook somewhere, or jostling for dock space at a park that only holds four boats and has no water or shower, I look forward to my guaranteed reservation.

If you have a firm date planned, 4th of July maybe, you can call or get online and reserve a slip.

La Conner 360 466 3118
Cap Sante  360 2930694
Squalicum Harbor 360 676 2542
Blakelys   360375 6121
West Beach  360 375 6121
Islander Resort  360 468 2233
Friday Harbor   360 378 2688
Roche Harbor   800 586 3590
Deer Harbor  360 376 3037
Rosario Resort  360 376 2152

Most of these places will be able to fit you in with short notice, but plan ahead to be sure.

Did you know?

For your landbound friends and relatives (children). They can make campground reservations.

Sucia Island State Park
Odlin County Park
San Juan Island County Park
Spencer Spit State Park
Washington  Park (Anacortes city park)
These five parks are boater accessible and take reservations for camping.

Think outside the box, and plan a combination land and sea adventure with your non-boater friends.
Follow this link to a post outlining a land and sea outing involving - cars - campgrounds - ferry rides - bicycles and one boat used as a taxi.
Outside the box cruising

Marinas and telephone numbers in the San Juan's
What are you waiting for - Winter?

Click below for a satellite view of Deer Harbor

Feb 1, 2021

Where is the Odlin Park Dock on Lopez Island

Odlin Park float on Lopez Island at high tide holds one big or two little boats

       This is one of those really handy but easily overlooked places you may be driving by.  San Juan County Parks allow two-hour tie-ups but I have left my dinghy all day, tucked in out of the way while bicycling the island or running to Lopez Village.

        You can anchor as close as you want and stay as long as you want. If you are really a rule stickler, simply drag the dinghy up above high water. The park bathrooms, fire pits, and parking lot are just a 200 foot walk away.  If you bring your bike like me you can ride into Lopez Village, it's only about 2 1/2 miles.

        Since all of Odlin Park is  totally exposed to wakes from Upright Channel, anchoring is always very rolly polly and boats at the dock get smacked around too. You can use one of four  park buoys for a small fee and still flop around. Other than that, Odlin is a great place to expand your horizons.

Odlin Park dock on Lopez Island
I don't think bicycles and dinghy's work well together, what do you think?

Map showing Odlin Park and Spencer Spit park in the San Juan's
Since parks aren't marked on charts, this snapshot may help you find Odlin Park.

Update: We have dropped the kids here again (Odlin Park). This time they had reservations for a campsite (smart idea). They left their car at Washington Park in Anacortes, and came by bicycle on the ferry to Orcas.

I know that may seem confusing since Odlin Park is on Lopez.
So here is the quick low down.

We started at Squalicum Harbor - Bellingham
 and anchored at Jones Island.

Two days later we picked them (our adult children) up at the county dock in Eastsound (Orcas)
Went back to Jones where they camped on shore.

 The next day we ran over to Stuart and rode bikes to the lighthouse, then came back and camped at Jones again. The next day we dropped them at the county dock at Odlin Park on Lopez, and we  took a slip at Friday Harbor.

Two days later, we picked them up off the beach at Odlin Park (bikes in dinghies),
had an ice cream break at Blakely's,
and then hiked Eagle Bluff on Cypress.

We tried to camp at Cypress Head, but  because of wind ended up anchored for a calm night at Saddlebag Island Park where they slept on shore again.

On the kids last day we dropped them and their bikes at the dock at nearby Washington Park where their car was parked. We then ran back to Bellingham and slept at the dock in Squalicum Harbor.

If you have read this far, you should see that mixing ferries, foot passengers, bicycles,
 and camping on shore, can all come together for a custom outing in the San Juan's.
Did I mention the visit to the brewery in Eastsound?

If Lopez Village is on your bucket list (free showers) try this link.
How to land your dinghy at Lopez Village

Click below for a satellite view of the Odlin Park dock

Jan 6, 2021

Pontoon boats, Hobie Cats, Wave Runners

      Why are some boats seldom or never seen in the San Juans?  I'm going out on a limb here and speculating because I really don't know why I have never seen a pontoon boat in the islands. I may have seen a small Hobie Cat once but I don't remember when. 

     I have read that jet skis and pwc's are forbidden in San Juan county so that explains their absence on the water. I have seen them many times on the decks of larger yachts or being towed. Small cats with limited or no storage don't lend themselves to cruising but I would think that if a kayaker can get by with minimal gear so can a  wet and wild sailor in a wet suit. This leaves me with pontoon boats.  Party barges as they are sometimes called are common on lakes and rivers and easily trailered. They can certainly carry camping gear and some have cabins, so why aren't they seen in the San Juan's?  

     I'm guessing that pontoon boats don't do well in big waves. Except with suitable weather windows big waves might be avoided (this is a big maybe). Big wakes are another thing but they happen everywhere including lakes and rivers, especially with the advent of ballast shifting wake boats.  My next thought is that party barges are the boat of choice for the younger crowd and much of the cruising crowd is a more seasoned bunch preferring beds, fridges and galley sinks.  

    I will be on watch.

                                              pontoon boat in the San Juans