Why a boat? is a fair question, and one usual quick answer is, "why not a boat"
Aha! got me again, remember if you don't like the answer, ask a better question. Okay, how about this question, "why take a boat for a cruise instead of taking a car and camping?" Now were getting somewhere;
Spending most of our lives on land, a boat, at least for me, offers wide open spaces, freedom, and much more. The journey is my desire, my wish, my goal, the destination is simply a mark on the chart, a mere way point in life. The boat is at once a complicated machine I must master, or at least control, and yet a simplistic drifting raft,or racing hydro-foil will also fill the bill. While journeying by water my mind is filled with the pressing matters at hand, what course is safe, what hazards lay ahead, are we drifting toward that menacing lee shore, will we clear the point, should we tack now or risk thin water, what is that new sound? motion? vibration? Looking ahead I see a rock, a quick glance at the gauge hints at the waters depth, the rock is gone, now it appears to one side, as we glide closer I see it has eyes and a nose. I feel a mariner's connection, and an urge to wave, but no response is forthcoming. Anxiously checking the depth again, I'm ready to start the motor; The wind shifts, the sails fill, a little gust, and the lines pull taut. Looking up the mast to the top, I see the wind-vane has changed direction and is pointing 90 degrees to starboard. The sails hanging like billowy white clouds floating above the boat are spilling wind, I let out the main sheet, and slack the jib. click on read more...