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Jul 22, 2018

Inconsiderate Boating

       My boat leaves a huge wake at times.  I know because I can see it.  I also know how to minimize or eliminate my wake entirely and so do all the other skippers out there.

       So here's the rub, why are there so many witless morons creating monster wakes where they cause damage? I don't believe for a second that they aren't aware of their wake.  I believe they are jerks and inconsiderate asses that don't deserve the privilege of  driving a boat.

      I'm not saying to drive slow or at no wake speed all the time, I'm saying to pay attention to the damage your wake is doing.  Not only are you being an ass but you are liable for damage or injury caused by your negligent driving.  

     If your wake swamps or rolls a small boat, you are liable.  If your wake smashes a moored boat into a float causing damage, you are liable.  If your wake capsizes a kayak causing a drowning, you will be held liable and probably go to jail.

       If you think this is only true in marked no-wake zones, think again, you are wrong.  You are responsible for your wake damage anywhere and everywhere, marked or not.   That 200 foot rule many signs and publications tout is not your free pass to be irresponsible, your are still liable for damage your wake causes.

There, I'm done.

Jul 4, 2018

Is a Bag of Beans the best way to insure Boating Pleasures?

Bag full of Beans travels to the San Juan Islands!

     Many years ago I happened to have over to my house, for reasons I don’t remember, a person that mentioned he had circumnavigated. He asked would I like to see some of his pictures. 

Of course I said yes, so for the next several hours I was enthralled by this sailor’s story and pictures from around the world.  I have incorporated some of what he said into my own thinking and actions, after all what we learn from others may be hard earned by them, but free to us. 

        This brings me to bean bag chairs and boats. This unnamed world cruiser said that his favorite chair for his boat was a bean bag.  A bean bag, you’re kidding, do they still make them?  Well, yes they make them and $20 later I had a brand new bean bag chair for my 28 foot sloop.  I store it in the v-berth along with bags of sails. My kids quickly learned that it conformed to uneven decks, it could be crammed against shrouds, masts and stanchions, and made uncomfortable cockpit combings a thing of the past.  The bean bag chair has become a must have  piece of cruising/camping equipment on my boats, and while it’s true, storage is limited, tough decisions have to be made -- the bag-o-beans wins out even if it means leaving the 150 Genoa home.
Bean bag chair is a boats most comfortable seating
Bean Bag is carbineered to mast, crew is not
Canoe Pass bridge in the San Juan Islands
Coveted bean bag chair providing extreme comfort in Deception Pass
Sailing the San Juans and bean bag chair
     underway, under sail, unaware     

Click Deception Pass below for satellite view