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Showing posts with label fuel. Show all posts

Oct 5, 2021

Places to go in the San Juan Islands

What is there to do in the San Juan Islands.

  All the places listed are accessible by boat, some by vehicle too.

    Almost every park has easy to lengthy hikes so  follow this link to all the parks  All the parks Below are San Juan area hikes not found in parks.

      Eagle Bluff on Cypress (My all-time favorite - Start at Pelican Beach)

Afterglow Mausoleum at Roche Harbor

Turn Point Lighthouse on Stuart Island

Young Hill at English Camp

China Caves from Fossil Bay

Vendovi Preserve on Vendovi Island

Fort Whitman on Goat Island

Turtleback Mountain, begin at West Sound County dock

Click here for >> Detailed instructions for the hikes

Eagle Bluff on Cypress Island
Eagle Bluff (Cliff) from Rosario Strait

Dining/eats:  I have never reviewed restaurants and won't here.  However a newbie to the San Juans has no idea where to go so here goes some locations.

Blakely's: Just inside Peavine Pass has a small deli bar  (great hard ice cream stop)
Eastsound: It's a one block walk from the dock to downtown with many bistros, and shops.
Rosario: Dock, restaurants
Lopez Village - Fisherman Bay: Restaurant at Islander Resort or click here for Dinghy beach landing at Lopez Village
Friday Harbor: many places are walking distance from complementary tie ups in marina
Deer Harbor: Deli on dock, restaurants on shore
Roche Harbor: several restaurants on shore, complementary dock
West Beach: north shore on Orcas, deli in store on dock Transient tie ups:  

All cities and marinas are well noted on this site but there are lots of docks other than parks that you may visit for short term, try this link, 16 public docks other than parks where you are welcome

Groceries, shopping: 

 The best advice here is to bring what you can before you head out, but the San Juans are not without good grocery stores.  You just need to know where they are.  This comprehensive post has them all >> Where are all the big stores?


 Gas and diesel are readily available.  I would arrive with full tanks but not to worry if you don't.  This link will take you to all of them  >>  fuel docks 

Whale Museum in Friday Harbor is just up a flight of stairs from the marina office

Turn Point Lighthouse museum on Stuart Island

Patos Island Lighthouse Museum on Patos

Moran mansion has a third floor museum at Rosario Resort

English Camp at Garrison Bay on San Juan Island

Sculpture Garden at Roche Harbor

There are Saturday Markets at Lopez Village, Friday Harbor and Eastsound

Campgrounds, parks: 

For all the parks, click right here  >> Parks - Parks - Parks 

Special places we really like: Fifteen lessor known places to go

Click below for a satellite view of West Beach Resort on Orcas Island